Verifying Someone's Right to Work Legally in the UK

As the regulations concerning the right to work in the UK may vary due to decisions taken by the government or the European Union, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest information. Student visas allow a person to work temporarily for up to 20 hours a week, but only if they are studying full time. During holidays outside of the term of school, they are allowed to work full time, but not permanently. The UK government has a useful tool to check a person's right to work here.

It is important to stay informed of any changes by consulting reliable labor standards sites. Brexit and COVID-19 have brought about many changes, but the government's tool provides the latest updates. Employers can carry out checks manually or online. Manual checks require employers to make a copy of the document and the date.

Online checks can be made at the UK government, but for now they are only available for those workers who have a biometric residence permit or card, or who are protected by the EU Settlement System. In some cases, you may need to contact the Home Office to verify a worker's right to work in the UK, as explained in the government guidelines. To perform online checks (using the government service), download and securely save a PDF of the “profile” page that confirms their right to work, along with a clean copy of their passport. All employers have a legal obligation to verify that all their employees have the legal right to live and work in the UK before they can hire them.

A person included in these categories may only begin working once UCL has received a positive verification notification from the Employer Verification Service. It is important to check that photographs and dates of birth match in all documents and with their appearance in order to detect impersonation. Photo identification must be consistent across all documents, so it is best practice to check them all and make sure they are related and look like what they claim to be. You may need to contact the Ministry of Interior to verify an employee or potential employee's immigration status if they are unable to show their documents or immigration status online.

After failing to use the system for a second time, Sims met with the director and brought her ILR data and her previous DBS checks to the meeting. If an employee's right to work is limited in time, you'll need to recheck their documents when their deadline expires. It is an employer's responsibility to carry out due diligence checks on all employees. Verifying that someone has the legal right to work in the UK before or during a migrant worker's employment should be one of many background checks on a person.

You'll need to check your original documents (for example, your passport or passport card) or use an identity service provider instead. As Brexit will end freedom of movement and a new points-based immigration system will be established, questions have been raised about how to test someone's legal right to work in the UK. IDVT technology allows British and Irish citizens to confirm their identity and demonstrate that they meet requirements for working and renting as well as requesting DBS checks by uploading images of their personal documents instead of presenting physical documents to potential employers or landlords. It is important to check that the person presenting documents is who they claim they are, that they appear in photographs as expected, and that they are authorized for the type of work offered.

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